Armageddon Steel Legion Wallpaper
Find and download Armageddon Desktop Background on HipWallpaper. See more Beautiful Widescreen Desktop Wallpaper, Desktop Wallpaper, Naruto Desktop Backgrounds, Superman Desktop Backgrounds, Fall Themed Desktop Wallpaper, Dangerous Women Desktop Wallpaper. Deciding they were already worse hypocrites than most popes, the Imperium decided to disobey the rule that the Imperial Guard shouldn't have an air wing. While deploying them with a dedicated force of drop-troops, the Departmento Munitorum soon revealed their newest regiment: The Phantine Air Corps had been formed.
And his name struck fear into the hearts of men.' Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base.
All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood.' 'Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men.' Patton'Soldiers generally win battles; generals get credit for them.' – Napoleon Bonaparte'Quantity has a quality all of its own.'
– Atrributed to Joseph Stalin'To each of us falls a task, and all the requires of us Guardsmen is that we stand the line, and we die fighting. It is what we do best - we die standing.'
– of the Imperial Guard'When one has two hundred artillery pieces per kilometer of the frontline, he does not report contact with the enemy or ask for whereabouts. He reports successful breakthroughs and asks for further orders.' – Attributed to Aleksandr VasilevskyThe Imperial Guard (officially titled the Astra Militarum as of, ‘cause fuck your original name if GW can't trademark it), also known as, are the foot soldiers of the in. They exist only to die gloriously in the 's name. (like and ) ensure that they do so regularly, and any cowards or deserters tend to be summarily executed. During the, the Emperor only intended for them to be for his (and to man masses of tanks, artillery, and aircraft), since the average Guardsman is only capable of drawing enemy fire and shining a at his enemies (although much more fortunate Guardsmen get to drive the tanks and other armored vehicles fielded by the IG, ); but after and the, trillions upon trillions of humans were drafted to make up for the difference, even if.
Or just meeting their Commissar for the first time. Even so, many consider their dogged perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds to be what makes them so balls-to-the-wall.It is recommended that you put on loop before reading the rest of this article. 'Welcome to the jungle, we've got fun and games!' 'The meaning of victory is not to defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavors, to crush utterly his every achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory.' A bit of maths, if you will.
There are 32,380 Hive Worlds in the Imperium. The average population of these worlds is around 200 billion each. We put these together and we get 6.476E15 (6,476,000,000,000,000 or 6.476 Quadrillion) people on Hive worlds ALONE.
Eventually there would be more human retard-babies than there would be soylens viridiens and lasguns to come out of the Forge World assembly lines.So now you see why humans are worth so little. But this also means that once they get their ass in gear and onto the battlefield, they ALWAYS win, because they have practicaly unlimited manpower and resources. Compare it to water bashing against rocks.
A few gallons won't do jack, but countless billions of tonnes crashing down on it WILL destroy it in a surprisingly short amount of time. Apply actual tactics, as every regiment that isn't Kriegan does, and it becomes (Do keep in mind, it's not like they commit trillions of troops to one battle. The Imperium frequently has to withdraw, but it's like saying 'We lost the battle, BUT NOT THE WAR!' ).In fact, it is point-blank stated numerous times that guardsmen are way cheaper than their lasguns, because there are far more Hive Worlds to produce humans than there are Forge Worlds to produce lasguns. And to add more grimdark, the Imperium lost numerous forge worlds and mining worlds during the, so there are even fewer lasguns and cardboard jackets coming from assembly lines. The have a specific guy who runs around battlefields shooting the wounded and collecting their gear (as well as blood and organs to fix those who still can be saved to fight next day).Think of the Red Army from the Hollywood movie: Soviet Russia there had a fuckton of soldiers to draw from, but many were not issued spare ammunition or even rifles, and were expected to loot supplies off dead bodies.
On an individual level the Germans had the obvious advantage, but send in enough cannon fodder to keep them pinned inside they city, then cut them off, and they eventually cracked.But what the Imperium does have going for itself is the individual heroism of its protectors. The Guard bears countless heroes, without whom the Imperium would have fallen ages ago.
Notable heroes of the Imperial Guard include:, and countless others. These extraordinary men and women inspire the masses around them to truly heroic deeds, and through those deeds, ensure that the Imperium will never falter.Play Style. Men of the Brimlock Eleventh, fighting on Voor against Orks. Note the pattern frown.'
You see, the have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them, until they reached their limit and shut down.'
- Zapp Brannigan, Twenty-five Star General of the Imperial Guard.The Imperial Guard are notorious for their SIGAOD methodology: Shooty Imperial Guard Army Of Doom for the less than nerdy. The basic lasguns are downright pathetic, but can, and we mean en masse. The effect is a little like how cavemen throwing rocks could still be a threat to fully armored knights. It only takes one lucky shot and they don't stop shooting until they get lucky. Scientifically speaking, the lasguns are strong enough that they damage most materials, even Space Marine powered armor.
It's just so minor against most foes that it doesn't matter. Until you get a hundred guys shooting at one target. Then it matters pretty damn quickly. Add in special weapons and heavy weapons and indirect fire like mortars all blazing away at an enemy and.yeah. Also, a lasgun used with precise aiming is quite lethal as you can devastate any vulnerabilities of a target easily. For example, the Vostroyan Firstborn are famous for their great precision and it shows in the massive kill-counts they rack-up. Who the fuck knows why that isn't a requirement for Guardsmen but it's probably because some goober in charge didn't notice and so never mentioned it in a memo to who-cares.The IG has loads of vehicles.
Loads of vehicles. They can take a whole squadron as a single Fast Attack or Heavy Support slot, and most are fairly cheap and most pretty good for what you pay for. There are 4 principle IG ground vehicles of note:. First is the, which is basically a troop transport with a turret. Its armor is fairly light and it is not particularly fast, but it's cheap and the passengers can still shoot while inside.
Bread and butter, it's also used as the chassis for various other vehicles. At least it's more useful than the Rhino. The second is the iconic. It is in every way a solid, dependable, warhorse. Everything from the optional heavy sponsons, to the BFG on the turret, to the completely exposed engine in the rear. Apparently, they ran out of badass when they designed it. Third is the Sentinel.
It's a support walker that, while not generally as effective as the other big 3, earns its place by virtue of utility. The sentinel can serve as a reliable escort that grants numbers to vehicle armies and durable fire support to infantry lists. Versatile and a cheap way to add single use missiles. Not impressive, but good when you need a little extra.
The last vehicle of note is the. Apparently, some tech-priest decided to take a Chimera, rip off the turret and troop compartment and replace it with the biggest piece of artillery he could find. Unfortunately, there weren't any Titan legions nearby so he settled for the Earthshaker cannon. The Earthshaker is far more powerful than even the BFG they stuck on the Leman Russ and has ten times the range. No WH40k game has been played where a target has been out of range of the Basilisk.The four vehicles above are only a small selection of what the Guard has to offer, but they provide pretty reliable workhorses of most builds and strategies. Most other vehicles are specialized variants of the above, being largely situational units.Let's not forget the Deathstrike Missile, which GW used to give UNLIMITED RANGE. Players have called up GW stores the next town over and told them that they're dropping a Deathstrike in the middle of whatever battle is closest, and they've accepted.
The Range is 200' as of 8th edition, but 16 feet is still ridiculous.Also of note is 6th Edition's contribution of flyer units. The IG has the most non-apocalypse flyer units in 40k, and while some of them are absolutely useless for anything but flavor, some of them kick all kinds of ass. Triple twin-linked Lascannon, twin-linked Punisher Gatling cannons, or a flying tank-busting mega-bolter kinds of ass to be specific. Rape from above.In summary, the Imperial Guard wins by having firepower, cannon fodder, and lots of both, transported in a massive variety of.Unfortunately for the Guard, though, the Imperial Navy has a bad habit of taking ships that were designed to launch atmospheric craft in support of the Guard (such as Marauders) and instead sticks void combat attack craft inside (such as Furies).
The result of this is painfully obvious if you're a Guardsman on the ground. Not to say they don't have air support, but that their air support has a presence that is completely at odds with the number of atmospheric fighters and bombers a ship can carry. The Navy literally fits whatever atmospheric fighters and bombers they can into whatever excess space remains after putting their Furies and Starhawks into hangers designed for holding countless Lightnings, Thunderbolts, Marauders, and Avengers, instead. Yeap, thanks to reforms the inability of Guard to fight at maximum efficiency (or make it to their destination in time without borrowing civilian transport ships) is kinda the point - it makes revolt much harder, and he didn't care if countless Imperium worlds would go to shit thanks to this, to exclude the possibility of was much more important. Of course the reason why a third of the Imperial Army rebelled was due to the Imperium violently conquering their worlds. Fortifying and consolidating conquests post-Heresy would have helped prevent rebellion and Administratum control (it was efficient back then) would have prevented the populace from feeling rebellious because their lives would be great.
Damaging the Guard only prevented them from doing their job and really, any rebellious Guard regiments would be (and usually are) quickly annihilated by the loyalists surrounding them. Generally, they steal transports and Chaos forges provide plenty of aircraft for them. Defeating the point of weakening the Imperial Guard and actually making rebel regiments stronger.Enter the Hydra.
Armageddon Steel Legion Wallpaper Free
The only tank designed to take out aircraft. That is BADASS. Screw the navy.
Hell, some regiments have a Leman Russ for every infantry squad! Do that with Thunderbolts or Lightnings in addition to the Russ and.yeah, epic-stomp.Notable Figures of the Imperial Guard.
Sweet, sweet salty tears. Reasonable prices for vehicles. Tank Squadrons.
The first and best. Loyal soldiers that can and will.
Cool looking models and plenty of variety to choose from. Standard issue adamantium balls. YOU COULD NOT POSSIBLY FORGET THAT YOUR GUYS FIELD THE BEST TANKS OF THE GAME, RIGHT?. VANQUISHERS, FUCK YOU.
Did we forget to mention that all units have standard issue balls of steel? Except for Yarrick. He has adamantium balls. He has Power Balls.(No one has ever been able to confirm what kind of balls he has (EXCEPT FOR YO MAMA! OOOOOH!) no one fucks with Sly is any form of the word and lives to tell the tale)Downsides to being a Guardsman Highly fanciful scenarios that most likely will not occur during your glorious service as a Guardsman While your local propaganda might say that being in the guard is the most honorable thing you could ever get into, and it is! Here is a small list of things that will very likely never happen to you and are entirely preventable with forethought, your trusty lasgun, and endless faith in the Emperor. Not included,.
You will die in the line of duty and no-one but your family and friends will remember you unless you've done something that only a Space Marine could do in combat. Anyone can do it!. You're expendable in every sense of the word. Freedom isn't free and you're the currency that pays for it!. Your Commissar might execute you to make your friends fight harder. You deserved it.
Your Commissar might execute your friends to make you fight harder. They deserved it.
Unless you're in a special forces division like the Kasrkin, you're really just a meatshield in large scale assaults. A glorious, spiffy looking meatshield!. 'See how great this is? Your very own laser gun!' Too bad it's a bad joke compared to everyone else's guns. You're just using it wrong.
You can't even die when you want to. You don't want to be a quitter, do you?. You might be:, or blasted by rounds. But you'll earn the eternal gratitude of the Emperor!. You will be sent into hopeless situations and your superiors expect you to fight without retreating or showing cowardice. Just do it, no one likes a crybaby!.
You may be used as mine clearance. By being marched through the minefield.
That's right boys, you can teach those dastardly mines who's boss by blowing them up!. Even if after losing your entire regiment, watching your last-minute friends die horrendous deaths, and generally do the most gruesome work to win the day; the minute Space Marines come crashing down from the sky; They'll take all the credit for it, even if the Marines themselves attribute the win to you. They deserve it. Those same Space Marines might You deserve it, weakling. You will be taken from your home planet and dropped on the other side of the universe to fight in a war you didn't know existed. Think of the interesting people you'll meet, and then subsequently possibly kill!.
You will NEVER see your home planet again unless you are stationed there. In which case it is likely under siege by yet another one of the Imperium's foes, and will likely remain so for the remainder of your short life. Think of the interesting places you'll see, and then subsequently blow up!. 5 Million of you dying under a four hour assault by orks, is considered a flawless victory by Segmentum Command (Then again that would likely be either a very large ork warband or a WAAAGH!, so GOOD JOB!). Better than 5 million and one, am I right?. If you fight along side Grey Knights, you will be.BLAMMED., or mindfucked and lobotomized, after the battle in the interest of secrecy.
Grey Knights don't exist, that's silly. Hell, just fighting Chaos has a slight chance of you getting disposed of after the battle because the Inquisitor investigating your regiment thinks that you may be a slight, bit, tad tainted. You wouldn't want to spread that taint would you?. Even when your army are the only ones that still uses combined arms warfare, your army still sucks, since it's routinely losing entire brigades (complete with Armor vehicles and aircraft) to any single bog-standard Space Marine and/or xeno mook. Your buddies and you can definitely take 'em!.
God forbid you dare complain. Fucking Commissars. Morale must be maintained!Memorable Quotations. Navigation Forces of the Imperial GuardCommand:- -Troops:-Transports:- -Light Vehicles:-Tanks & Ordnance:-Superheavy Vehicles:-Flyers & Bombers:- -of the Imperial Guard-Institutes within the:-:-Armed Forces:-Imperial Army:- -Imperial Guard -:-:- -:-:-Other:- -& Denizens:-Notable Members:- -Playable Factions in:AdMech:-Army:Imperial Guard -Inquisition:-Other:-:-:Aeldari:-Tyranids:-Others.
The Slitherine-created experience also has plenty of smaller skirmishes, some cool unit management elements and a lot of scenarios to try out, and it does offer those who understand what the Second War of Armageddon means an experience that fleshes out that impressive conflict. Given the nature of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, casualties are to be expected and the Imperial Guard specifically needs to use its Guardsmen to soak up damage in order to give its more specialized units a chance to take out the Orks.Most battles tend to involve a few initial skirmishes, a period in which scouting is important.
One of these engagements evolves into a major attrition fight where artillery and flanking play a key role. Then, gamers need to divide their forces and assault the victory hexes, which always have another contingent for defense.The turn limit can sometimes feel a little punishing, especially on Normal difficulty levels, but it adds a nice element of tension to Armageddon.The biggest problem with the new Warhammer 40,000 turn-based title is the huge number of units and the time that’s required to get a clear look at all of them and find a role where they can excel on the battlefield.
Armageddon Steel Legion Wallpaper Pc
Graphics and audioWarhammer 40,000: Armageddon is not the prettiest video game that ever attempted to bring the science fiction and fantasy universe to life, but it offers the same overall look as other turn-based strategy titles created by the development team at Slitherine.The top-down view makes it easy for players to survey the situation and decide on the best possible moves, and the interface, while a little blocky, offers a lot of information about the various units that are on the field and how they can be used.