The Dark Art Of Persuasion.mp3

The Dark Art Of Persuasion.mp3

Hosted by renowned Dark Artist Chet Zar, and Mike Correll (director of 'Chet Zar: I Like to Paint Monsters'), the Dark Art Society Podcast covers a variety of important and contemporary topics. Themes include Dark Art, literature, film, music, culture, philosophy, dreams, paranormal experiences, magick and much more! Cours d'informatique pdf. While each episode focuses on specific issues, the nature of this podcast is conversational and organic.

With that said we encourage you to take up position, like a fly on the proverbial wall and tune in. Dark Art Society Podcast’s tracksbypublished on 2019/06/25 23:19:07 +0000bypublished on 2019/06/18 23:20:38 +0000bypublished on 2019/06/11 20:40:42 +0000bypublished on 2019/06/04 20:25:42 +0000bypublished on 2019/05/28 21:11:20 +0000bypublished on 2019/05/21 02:26:10 +0000bypublished on 2019/05/14 17:25:11 +0000bypublished on 2019/05/07 20:14:29 +0000bypublished on 2019/04/30 23:08:12 +0000bypublished on 2019/04/23 17:14:52 +0000.

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