Skyrim Uunp Armor Mods
UNPC Body and Clothing UNPC Body v2.6A more curvacious body shape for those who prefer some of the things that make the UNP body so great. Original OutfitsRubber AssassinA rather extensive modification of the vanilla ebony armor, created as the first “original” outfit for UNPCv2. Not very lore friendly. There are 2 versions. The compressed textures version has visual quality, but is much smaller in uncompressed size and much easier on graphics cards. Aetherian Armor 2.0Two armor sets designed to be the first “from scratch” outfits for UNPC/UNPCM, designed for spellswords. Armor of Thrones is geared toward defensive spellswords, while Armor of Powers is geared toward offensive ones.
If you're looking on youtibe mod reviews, MOST will usually provide links to the mod shown. A few of them in the video are available on Nexus for different body types. Shanoa is very nice, comes in CBBE or UNP variants, I think I saw a few witcher outfits and they're also on Nexus. Maybe at least one armor from Nisetanaka shown?
A third has also been added, Armor of Virtues, which is an unenchanted steel version.There are 2 texture versions to choose from, high res, which is the original texture set, and medium res, which is the GPU/hard drive space friendly version, but obviously looks worse. Armored MageArmored Mage is a quick and dirty, hack and slash mash-up. Amnesia the dark descent morgue lyrics. It was the inspiration for the Aetherian Armor sets, but I decided to release this as well, because you can never have too many outfits.You can find it under Elven in smithing.
Skyrim Se Uunp Armor
It requires the Elven smithing perk, has the same base stats as Elven armor and comes pre-enchanted with medium strength enchantments. It also has the Ebony inventory meshes, because I’m solazy. Vanilla Conversions and Alterations Some notes about this sectionMy vanilla conversions are few and far between, and often contain alterations to the meshes. I don’t release them as a whole package because they are cherry picks of outfits that I particularly like or want converted myself, and also, because they are not all accurate conversions, so you may choose not to download altered outfits, and only get the direct conversions.
Skyrim Uunp Armor Mods List
Skyrim Prisoner RagsThe basics of the basics.