Legendary Infantry Rifle Fortnite

According to the datamineers, the weapon will be of legendary and epic quality, and its characteristics have been made public.

Content continues below adThis item will most definitely be added in today’s v8.40 update. We’ll know the offical stats of the gun when the v8.40 patch notes drop half an hour prior to downtime at 9 AM UTC.Stormshieldone, however, have leaked the stats of both rarities of the gun. According to the leaked stats, the epic version of the new Infantry Rifle will output 44 damage and have a magazine size of 8 bullets.The legendary Infantry Rifle will deal 46 damage with the same magazine size and fire rate, but with a slightly quicker reload time.You can see the full leaked stats of the epic and legendary Infantry Rifles below: Fortnite Infantry Rifle Epic Stats Fortnite Legendary Infantry Rifle Stats.

Fortnite Infantry Gun

Legendary infantry rifle fortnite coming soon

Legendary Infantry Rifle Fortnite Gameplay

Co-founder, Writer and Social at Fortnite Insider. You can find Yousef occasionally writing articles and managing the Fortnite Insider Twitter account (@FortniteBR). As well as running Fortnite Insider, Yousef also has a handful of other successful ongoing projects and likes to keep busy. He plays FPS and BR games, mainly Fortnite of course, in his spare time. Yousef is always on hand 24/7 to break the latest news.

Epic And Legendary Infantry Rifle

Second-class upper-division (2:1) bachelor's with honours degree in Creative Computing.

Legendary Assault Rifle = FN SCAR. The Assault Rifle is the most popular primary weapon in Fortnite. It offers a perfect balance of accuracy and damage. Whenever you open a chest and the legendary version pops out, it feels like Christmas morning. The FN SCAR is the real life version of this gun and is one of the most popular guns in the. Many Fortnite gamers speculate that this will be an Epic and Legendary variant of the recently added Infantry Rifle weapon. What we do know for sure, is that every new Season of Fortnite brings new weapons and consumable items.