Impact Hammer Test Equipment
Turf-Tec International Clegg Impact Tester / Clegg Decelerometer.New Clegg Impact Tester / Clegg DecelerometerThe Clegg Impact Tester is aprofessional instrument to determine hardness on all types of areas - Readingsin CIT's or Gravities (Gmax)New for 2019 - Wireless bluetooth display with GPS data logging. The NEW - CleggImpact Tester 2.25 kg model reads out from 0 to 150 Gravities or 0 to 15CIT's and has a better accuracy range (+/- 1% or 1.5 G Accuracy) as compared to the 0-1000 Gravityunit (+/- 1% or 10 G Accuracy) for testing soft surfaces like natural and artificial athletic fields,infill products and sports fields. This model is the same model that is used to test all NFLNational Football League Stadium Fieldsbefore games. Instruction manual comes with conversion formula toconvert readings to F355 readings. Note the 150 g maximum reading onthis unit is sufficient for maximum impact readings in the ASTM F355 range afterusing the conversion formula included in the Turf-Tec Instruction manual. 200 g's on F355 impact tester = 135 g's on Clegg Impact Tester.The principle behind the Clegg Impact Soil Tester, also called the CleggHammer and Clegg Decelerometer is used to obtain a measurement of thedeceleration of a free falling mass (Hammer) from a set height onto asurface under test to determine hardness. The impact of the hammer producesan electrical pulse, which is converted and displayed on the Control Unit inunits of gravities 'G-max' ortens of gravities 'CIT'. offers 295 hammer impact test equipment products. About 92% of these are testing equipment. A wide variety of hammer impact test equipment options are available to you, such as universal testing machine, auto testing machine, and textile testing instrument. The HIT450P / HIT300P is a universal pendulum impact tester and can be used for a wide variety of different types of test. Modular design and comprehensive accessories make it well suited to the requirements of research, development and quality assurance. Vibration Testing Rocket boosters and spacecraft are subject to intense acoustic environments during launch, which. Induce high levels of vibration in structural elements and equipment. In addition, elastic structural interactions with propulsion systems and flight control systems can produce low-frequency. – Impact (impact hammer.
Reference ASTM testmethods D5874 and F1702.The standard test protocol developed by Dr. Clegg is to drop the hammerfour consecutive times on the same location with the highest value result inthe series taken as the Peak Clegg Impact Test result. Since that time,other test protocols have been used based on the materials under test andthe application. These other protocols like the ones used for testingartificial turf test the area with a single drop. The Clegg offers the convenience ofrapidly scanning compaction variation over large areas.
In research studies,250 tests were performed with the Clegg in a four hour period.Available in following models. 0.5 kg - Used for soft turf, sand areas and golf greens(0 to 1000 Gravities).
Impact Hammer Test Equipment Parts
2.25 kg - Used for surfaces consisting of natural orsynthetic turf (football, baseball, soccer fields, playgrounds, pitches, horsetracks, and golf greens). (0 to 1000 Gravities) (+/- 1% or 10 GAccuracy). 2.25 kg-A - New Used for surfaces consisting of natural orsynthetic turf (football, baseball, soccer fields, playgrounds, pitches, horsetracks, and golf greens). (0 to 150 Gravities) New(+/- 1% or 1.5 G Accuracy). 4.5 kg - Used for surfaces such as preconstructed soils,trench reinstatement, bell holes, and foundations. 10 kg - Used for flexible pavement, aggregate road beds,trench reinstatement, bell holes, and foundations. 20 kg - Used for surfaces such as flexible pavement,aggregate road beds, trench reinstatement, bell holes, and foundations.Simple and quick test procedure.
The test procedure is very rapid and can easily be performed by sitepersonnel with minimal training.
Impact Hammer Test Equipment Review
The most of luminaires manufactory were request to do IK level test (Impact Protection), LISUN can supply the IK test instrument.IK ratings are defined as IKXX, where “XX” is a number from 00 to 10 indicating the degrees of protection provided by enclosures (including luminaires) against external mechanical impacts. The different IK ratings relate to the ability of an enclosure to resist impact energy levels measured in joules (J).
Concrete Impact Hammer Test
IEC 62262 specifies how the enclosure must be mounted for testing, the atmospheric conditions required, the quantity and distribution of the test impacts and the impact hammer to be used for each level of IK rating. The IK test applicate on lighting luminaires test according to IEC60598 (GB7000) and IEC60068-2-75 (GB2423.55).Degrees of protection against external mechanical impacts: IK01IK02IK03IK04IK05IK06IK07IK08IK09IK100.14J0.2J0.35J0.5J0.7J1J2J5J10J20J.