Crossfit Mega 12 Week Workout Plan

Derek 'The Beast' Charlebois, one of the best trainers in the business, will be your personal guide. As a competitive bodybuilder since 2002 and an ACE certified trainer since 2005, Derek is an expert on transforming the body and building rock-solid lean muscle. He holds a degree in Exercise Science, has published articles and books on nutrition and training, and works as the Director of Team Scivation. In the past 2 years, Derek has worked with more than 10,000 clients at. Now, he is here for you!Get ready, gear up, and get ripped over the next 12 weeks.

  1. 12 Week Workout Schedule

If you've always wanted to become better, stronger, and more muscular, the Daily Bulking Trainer was created just for you. Derek will show you the path.


12 Week Workout Schedule

Crossfit mega 12 week workout plan for beginners

If you're ready, you can walk it with him today.

The Ultimate 90-Day Bodyweight Training Plan. Todd Kuslikis. San Francisco, California, United States. Bodyweight Exercise. When I was a young man, I struggled with my self-image. After each three weeks of training, you will have an active rest week.